Bikes for businesses | Roetz-Bikes

Branded bikes

Want to turn heads for your brand? Our Roetz Originals branded bikes are social- and sustainably custom-made in our Fair Factory in Amsterdam.


Hand-built bikes, fully customizable to your brand identity

Request your quote easily, starting from three bikes

Discover branded bikes 

Shared e-bikes for your organisation

The Life e-bike is the perfect shared e-bike. Available as poolbikes, business bikes and leasebike. Also customizable to your branding!

Discover Life E-bikes for business

Circular & sustainable

All bikes are designed with durability and reusability in mind

Social return

Contribute and fulfill your SROI obligation at our social enterprise

Branding options

Both bicycles and e-bikes can be customized in your corporate identity

E-bikes for employees

Within your organisation, Roetz Life can be the perfect commuter for employees. Discover all about the Life bike for your organsation:

Discover Roetz Life for business 

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