More and more people bike to work. They avoid traffic jams and find a parking space easily. Bikers arrive at work on time, are more relaxed, satisfied and productive. And, hey, instead of fossil fuels you burn calories!
Almost every European country offers tax benefits to promote cycling to work. Making use of it is as simple as riding a bike! You pay for your new bike with your gross salary. As employee, you agree to ‘sacrifice’ a portion of your salary in exchange for a tax break as this amount is exempted from income taxes.
Calculate your tax benefit
We found a great tool to calculate your savings. Check out the tool on Nationale Fietsprojecten.
Tax returns per kilometer
You can also get tax returns for your commute to work. The amount differs per country. In the Netherlands you can book 19 cents per kilometer as costs. German bike commuters may apply the ‘Pendlerpauschale’ with 30 cents per kilometer. Make sure to check the regulations in your country!
USEFUL LINKS per country
Here are some links for more information:
NL:BE: Fietsersbond
DE: Wikipedia - Entfernungspauschale
IE: Bike to Work